Crossing Frontier: Fate Foretold

  • Attention!
  • Philippines Payment
  • Taiwan Payment
  • MyCard Wallet


※ This is the game's pre-order purchase guide, this game can only be played on its release date on December 13, 2023.

※ After completing the purchase, you will get a game serial number that can be used on the Steam platform to acquire the game program, please go to the Steam platform > Games > Activate a Product on Steam > Enter the game serial number and follow the instructions provided on Steam.

※ Gift codes from the deluxe edition can be used on the game release date, please enter the gift code on the in-game store. Gift codes can be used until May 31, 2024 (23:59), GMT+8.

Philippines Payment Method

Step 1

Click here to go to the game's official website, click the "預購資訊" (pre-order information) on the left side menu.

Step 2

Select the item you want to buy (一般版: Standard Edition; 豪華版: Deluxe Edition; 終極豪華版: Ultimate Deluxe Edition).

Step 3

Enter your email address (請輸入信箱), click the "發送驗證碼" (send verification code) button. Check the verification code on your mailbox, enter the code (請輸入驗證碼), and click the "提交" (send) button.

Step 4

You will enter the MyCard Payment page, the available payment methods vary depending on your location, click "More" as shown by the arrow in the image to switch to the payment method for each country/region.

Step 5

Select the payment method you want to use. (this guide use E-Wallet as example)

Step 6

Select the payment channel. (this guide use Gcash as example)

Step 7

Fill in the required transaction information, tick the "I agree with terms of the transaction" box, and then click "Send Confirm".

Step 8

Log in to your Gcash account and carry out the Gcash payment procedure to complete the transaction.

Taiwan Payment Method

Step 1

Click here to go to the game's official website, click the "預購資訊" (pre-order information) on the left side menu.

Step 2

Select the item you want to buy (一般版: Standard Edition; 豪華版: Deluxe Edition; 終極豪華版: Ultimate Deluxe Edition).

Step 3

Enter your email address (請輸入信箱), click the "發送驗證碼" (send verification code) button. Check the verification code on your mailbox, enter the code (請輸入驗證碼), and click the "提交" (send) button.

Step 4

You will enter the MyCard Payment page, the available payment methods vary depending on your location, click "More" as shown by the arrow in the image to switch to the payment method for each country/region. (Please choose Taiwan as the payment region)

Step 5

Select the payment method you want to use. (this guide use credit card as example)

Step 6

Select the payment channel. (this guide use Taiwan 3DS credit card as example, Taiwan region credit card payment is only available for the Taiwan's bank credit card)

Step 7

Fill in the required transaction information, tick the "I agree with terms of the transaction" box, and then click "Send Confirm".

Step 8

Enter your credit card number (信用卡卡號), credit card security code (信用卡背面後三碼檢查碼), and card expired date (信用卡有效期限) (month 月; year 年), click "Pay" (確認付款).

Step 9

Check your mobile device to receive the OTP code message. Enter the OTP verification code to the credit card payment page, and click "Submit" (送出) to complete the payment process.

MyCard Wallet

Step 1

Click here to go to the game's official website, click the "預購資訊" (pre-order information) on the left side menu.

Step 2

Select the item you want to buy (一般版: Standard Edition; 豪華版: Deluxe Edition; 終極豪華版: Ultimate Deluxe Edition).

Step 3

Enter your email address (請輸入信箱), click the "發送驗證碼" (send verification code) button. Check the verification code on your mailbox, enter the code (請輸入驗證碼), and click the "提交" (send) button.

Step 4

You will enter the MyCard Payment page, the available payment methods vary depending on your location, click "More" as shown by the arrow in the image to switch to the payment method for each country/region.

Step 5

Select "MyCard Wallet" as the payment method.

Step 6

Log in to your MyCard member account. (You can also pay by MyCard App, please go to Step 8)

Step 7

Enter the payment password, mobile number (optional), and then click "Confirm" to complete the top up process.

Step 8

Click the "MyCard APP" tab which is pointed by the arrow in the picture, open the MyCard app in your mobile device and scan the QR Code on the top up page to complete the top up process. (Not the QR Code in this guide page)

MyCard Exclusive

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