裝填、上膛!CONTRA: OPERATION GALUGA重燃經典跑槍動作系列 KONAMI與WayForward攜手合作為最新遊戲平台 帶來燃爆的Contra: Operation Galuga


Konami Digital Entertainment Limited. (KONAMI) 與WayForward今天共同宣布,傳奇跑槍遊戲魂斗羅系列的最新作品Contra: Operation Galuga,即將登上Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 4、PlayStation 5、Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、PC(Steam)等遊戲平台。由 WayForward(廣受好評的魂斗羅4幕後開發遊戲工作室)開發,Contra: Operation Galuga數位版計畫在2024年初上市,也將發售對應家用遊戲平台的實體商品版。




Contra: Operation Galuga 重新構思1980年代的原創紅白機/街機版魂斗羅系列作的經典精髓,在新關卡、新敵人、新首領強敵、新遊戲機制、符合現代標準的火力強化系統、現代畫面與音效中,重溫最具代表性的武器與場景。

深受玩家喜愛的菁英魂斗羅突擊隊員Bill Rizer和Lance Bean奉令戰鬥部署以對抗恐怖組織Red Falcon,原本寧靜的Galuga Island也化為左右人類命運的全面戰區。




  • 元祖級跑槍遊戲類型回歸,重新構思更加充滿動感!
  • 多樣的爆炸性關卡!! 滲透叢林、登上瀑布、浮游機車高速突擊敵軍基地、還有更多!
  • 組隊同樂!故事模式最多2位玩家,街機模式多達4位玩家一起同樂。
  • 各具獨特能力的眾多可遊玩角色!
  • 填滿畫面的大型Boss史詩戰!
  • 各種粉絲最愛與最新的武器,能堆疊火力還有超載能力!
  • 多種難易度選擇和大量的額外內容

實體商品版的Contra: Operation Galuga由Limited Run Games發行,對應Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 4、PlayStation 5、Xbox 等遊戲平台,有標準版和珍藏版提供粉絲選購。遊戲的更多細節將在遊戲上市前的幾個月內陸續公開。




About Konami Group

Konami Group was established in 1973, starting as an amusement machine manufacturer for arcades. Over the years, the company has grown to include different business units across various markets. Currently, KONAMI GROUP CORPORATION includes the Digital Entertainment, Amusement, Gaming & Systems, and Sports Businesses. The company went public on the Osaka Securities Exchange in 1984, the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1988, and the London Stock Exchange in 1999. For more information, visit: www.konami.com/en.


About WayForward

Based in Valencia, California, WayForward was founded in 1990 and has remained an independent game developer for more than 30 years. It is home to many talented individuals including programmers, environment artists, animators, modelers, illustrators, audio wizards, designers, and team leaders. With new avenues for distributing games directly to fans, they are finally able to make the games they have always wanted to.


About Konami Digital Entertainment

Konami Digital Entertainment, which is the core company of Konami Group, develops entertaining content for mobile, console and card games. The company is known for global franchises such as eFootball™, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, and Contra, as well as the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game series. www.konami.com/games/corporate/en/

