
《刺客教條:幻象》遊戲原聲帶現已推出 現在就到各大音樂平台聆賞由 Brendan Angelides 譜寫的精彩樂曲


台灣 – 2023 年 10 月 6 日Ubisoft 今日宣布,由 Brendan Angelides 製作及編曲的《刺客教條:幻象》遊戲原聲帶,現已在各大音樂平台推出:https://ubisoftmusic.ffm.to/acmirageost


Brendan 將他獨特的電子曲風注入到 Ubisoft 最新的《刺客教條》系列作品《刺客教條:幻象》中,並為這款以九世紀巴格達為背景的遊戲帶來了嶄新的音樂想法,並且與根植於該地區並熟悉當地文化的音樂家攜手合作,例如突尼斯藝人Emel Mathlouthi、出生在伊拉克的約旦小提琴家暨紐約阿拉伯樂團藝術總監 Layth Sidiq,以及巴勒斯坦作曲家和管弦樂編曲家 Akram Haddad。Brendan 為《刺客教條:幻象》製作的音樂能將玩家帶進一個歷史、文化與遊戲融為一體的世界。繼《刺客教條:幻象》昨日於 PS4、PS5、XBOX ONE、XBOX SERIES X|S 和 PC 平台推出之後,遊戲原聲帶也於今日推出。

BRENDAN ANGELIDES 表示:「《刺客教條:幻象》的音樂藉由融合舊世界樂器和新世界科技來描述一則蛻變的故事。在這個原聲帶中,來自伊拉克、埃及、巴勒斯坦、以色列和突尼斯的音樂家們,以及紐約阿拉伯樂團,與電子音樂和樂融融。文化中心巴格達的繁華、沙漠沙丘的風貌與感受,還有《刺客教條》遊戲中無所不在的危險,全都化為交織成動聽音樂的元素。」



Mirage Main Theme

The Shadows We Walk

Madinat al-Salam

Daughter Of No One

Tales of Baghdad




Serpent’s Kiss

Leaving For Alamat

Outside The Walls

Sand Drift

Hushed Blades

The Wild

City Under Stars

The King Sun

Singing Dunes


Pools of Blood

True Sight

A Path of Shadows

A Path of Heart

The Round City

Incense Trails

Assassin’s Lament

The Infiltration

The Escape

Nothing Is As It Seems

Without Mercy

Baghdad Murmurs

Truth Of Masks

Deadly Shade

You Are Never Alone


The Center of Science




Calotropis Procera

You Will Return To The Dark

The Bureau (Mirage Version)


The Jinni

Body And Soul

Put Your Faith In Me

Something More Than A Man

A New World Awaits

Ezio’s Family (Mirage Version)

Mirage Theme (Menu Version)


如欲取得《刺客教條》系列的進一步資訊,請參見:https://www.ubisoft.com/zh-tw/game/assassins-creed ;關於Ubisoft最新遊戲資訊,請訂閱 Ubisoft 官方中文 Facebook 專頁 facebook.com/Ubisoft.TWN或造訪官方中文 YouTube 頻道 youtube.com/UbisoftSEA



《刺客教條:幻象》以九世紀巴格達為遊戲背景,主角貝辛姆原是詭計多端卻受到惡夢般幻象糾纏的街頭小偷,最終成了刺客大師。在一次凶險的報復之後,貝辛姆逃離了巴格達,加入了古老組織「無形者」。隨著他更加了解他們的神秘儀式和影響力強大的教條,他開始磨練自己的獨特能力,並悟出一則新的教條 – 這則教條將以他從未想過的方式改變他的命運。貝辛姆的首次登場是在《刺客教條:維京紀元》中擔任一個重要配角。



自 2007 首度問世以來,《刺客教條》系列遊戲在全球賣出了超過 2 億套。該遊戲系列目前是電玩遊戲史上最暢銷的系列之一。帶來遊戲界公認最豐富、最引人入勝故事的《刺客教條》,甚至跨越了電玩遊戲的界線,搶進許多其他娛樂媒體。


關於 Ubisoft

Ubisoft 是遊戲世界的創作者,致力於以原創和令人難忘的娛樂體驗來豐富玩家的生活。Ubisoft 全球團隊創作並開發了深入且多元化的遊戲,旗下品牌包括《刺客教條》、《英靈神殿大亂鬥》、《榮耀戰魂》、《極地戰嚎》、《火線獵殺》、《Just Dance 舞力全開》、《瘋狂兔子》、《虹彩六號》、《飆酷車神》、《全境封鎖》和《看門狗》。透過 Ubisoft Connect,玩家可以享受豐富遊戲體驗的各種服務、獲得獎勵,並和各平台的好友聯繫。透過 Ubisoft+ 訂閱服務,玩家可以暢玩超過 100 款 Ubisoft 遊戲與擴充內容,且陣容還在不斷增加當中。2022-23 會計年度 Ubisoft 的淨營業額為 17 億 3 千 9 百萬歐元。如欲取得更進一步資訊,請造訪 http://www.ubisoftgroup.com。



Ubisoft Music, an entity within Ubisoft, a leader in the videogame industry, leads all activities linked to music within and around the games and creations, including music supervision of original soundtracks, music licensing, and music Partnerships & amplification. The team’s goal is to enrich players’ lives through strong and varied musical experiences – be it original soundtracks from renowned composers such as Jesper Kyd, Pedro Bromfman, Yoko Shimomura, The Flight, Christophe Héral, Stephanie Economou, etc.; hits created in collaboration with artists such as Aurora, Møme, Tech Thieves, etc.; or marketing collaborations like were leveraged for Just Dance® with Billie Eilish, Camila Cabello, and Ava Max.

The Ubisoft Music catalog, linked to iconic brands like Assassin’s Creed®, Just Dance, Far Cry® and many more, has achieved hundreds of millions of streams across all music platforms and is available in over 110 countries worldwide. For the latest news on Ubisoft Music, please follow at @UbisoftMusic on Twitter and on “Ubisoft Music” on YouTube.



Over the past two decades, Brendan Angelides has traced his own path into a cosmos of dynamic experimental sound. Regarded by NPR’s Bob Boilen as ‘part musician, part magician,’ the Los Angeles-based music producer and composer has cast his atmospheric allure into releases with labels Ninja Tune, Interscope, Warp, Planet Mu and Apollo, as well as his own imprint, Ancestor. The cinematic magnetism of his sound has also led him to compose soundtracks for TV, film and gaming, including the acclaimed 13 Reasons Why (Netflix), Billions (Showtime), and the forthcoming Assassin’s Creed: Mirage s(Ubisoft).

With the release of his solo album OXYGEN in 2023, Angelides arrives at a vivid new horizon of his multi-genre output, intertwining his signature electronic palette with an array of orchestral incantations performed by the London Contemporary Orchestra. Across eleven compositions, expansive synth distortions meld with the lucent glow of instrumentation in his most personal work to date — through OXYGEN, Angelides channels the emotional dimensions of becoming a father, bringing twins into the world while processing the diagnosis of his daughter’s disability.

The impulse to translate inner narratives into sound has characterized Angelides’ work since his musical beginnings. Under the former monikers ‘Eskmo’ and ‘Welder’, his non-conformist, hands-on production splintered into two distinct aesthetics. The albums Eskmo (Ninja Tune, 2010) and SOL (Apollo, 2015) emerged from a lineage of precision-made, sound system-focused releases with Planet Mu and Warp, fusing field recordings with intricately modified sound. The ‘Welder’ persona created space for more organic, downtempo and lo-fi experimentation, with EPs presented on Cyberset and Native State alongside self-releases with Ancestor, the imprint established by Angelides in 2008 to nurture and expand his creative autonomy.

In 2013, Angelides moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles where he met a group of like-minded composers and co-founded The Echo Society. Evolving through a shared interest in the potential of orchestral and electronic music, the artist collective showcases original live commissions of sonic and visual art in unexpected locations.



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